Before we left Virginia we wanted to see as many history-based locations as possible, so we made back to back trips to Jamestown and Yorktown, spending as much time at each location as the children would allow.

At Jamestown, the kids really enjoyed seeing the ships. One of the gentlemen taught the kids how to raise and lower the anchor. I enjoyed the gardens, and seeing how the families lived during that time in history.

Yorktown offered equally enjoyable experiences. The kids really enjoyed getting to help plant some tobacco. We all were amazed by the descriptions of how the battlefield surgeons dealt with and helped injured soldiers during the Revolutionary War. Justin and I tried to impress upon the kids the living conditions of the people living during the Revolution. Their homes were small, yet adequate. The children had to contribute to the family in order for them to survive. Jake also enjoyed driving though the area looking at the battlefields (while the other two slept).

Although we didn’t get to see all of the historical sites we wanted to, we hope to be able to make another trip to the area when the kids are a bit older so that they can appreciate the experience even more. I’m sure Justin will be itching to get back out that way as soon as he starts working on his Revolutionary Studies courses.
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