Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Schedule...Day 1

So, I’m sure you are wondering how the new schedule is going. Well…because I like things to be fairly regimented, I decided to start the schedule “officially” yesterday, at the beginning of a new week. I got off to a rather rocky start, sleeping in until 8am. The alarm did go off at 6am, but after looking at the numbers blearily, realizing that I had only had about six hours of sleep after my adventure with Jake to the Barack Obama rally Sunday night, I decided to grab a bit more shut-eye. Once I did get up, I went ahead and got to work, but didn’t really get into a groove.

I decided to give the kids the week off of school so that I can get into the new routing without the distraction of school work.

I was pleased to get up without much difficulty this morning at 6am, got my exercise gear on and rode the bike for 25 minutes. I was showered, dressed and makeup-ed, and had my email checked before waking Jensen (the other two were already awake). The kids got their morning chores done with our much hassle, giving me time to make a nice breakfast (sausage, over-easy eggs, grits and English muffins). We had our first family meeting today at the breakfast table, discussing what we were each going to do to expand our brains today and establishing who was going to do specific chores around the house. I read aloud to the kids for an hour and a half. Jensen went down for a nap fairly well, giving me time to read, clean the fish tank and watch a political documentary with Justin (which I did mention to him was not on my schedule). Dinner went well (red beans and rice, double corn corn bread and green beans), providing some nice conversations. The kids did their kitchen chores without delay, allowing Justin and I to talk for a few minutes before I did the dishes (Justin would usually do the dishes, but did I mention that he is recovering from bilateral hernia surgery?). We had a family dance session to Linkin Park, with baths and showers interspersed around the dancing. I discovered some messy bedrooms, which is a continuing problem at our house that will be addressed another night. Then it was bedtime, and all was quiet…

Well, not really quiet. The older two went to bed fairly well. We are trying to transition Jensen into the twin bed and out of the crib. About a week ago, he kept coming down the stairs to greet Justin and me while we were trying to relax. Not understanding how he was getting out without the help of his older brother, I stood in the dark hallway and watched him scale the side of the crib, up the end of the bunk beds, which were touching the crib, and climb down the bunk bed ladder. I decided that the crib need to be moved the next morning, and yet again the next night he was happily toddling down the stairs to greet us with successful smiles. I decided that I might be time to make the transition to the “big boy” bed, although I was hoping to wait to make the transition until we moved. Neither of the other two climbed out of the crib. We moved Jake to the big bed during after a move across the country and moved Jolie after she refused to sleep in the crib any longer. Jensen just seems to be blazing a different path, which is what we love about him. Yesterday was rocking, resulting in the ultimate transfer back to the crib. After minimal rebellion tonight, he succumbed to the comfy pillow of the big boy bed. We’ll see whether or not we see his smiling face at some odd hour tonight. Hopefully he will make the transition easily.

Tomorrow is another day, and we will continue working on the schedule. I found a few areas today that might need some work. I’ll finish up the week and make some tweaking before next Monday.

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