Thursday, August 20, 2009

Black Bean Soup

Tonight we tried a new black bean soup recipe. We've had black bean soup before, but weren't really pleased with its flavor, so I decided to do some searching on Recipezaar and AllRecipes for black bean soup recipes. I usually sort my results according to ranking. I figure if others have tried the recipe and liked it, maybe we will as well.

One of the highest ranked black bean soup recipes on Recipezaar was TGIFriday's Black Bean soup, so we gave it a try.
It was definitely a keeper. The children who tried it liked it, which is success in my book.

We coupled the soup with some Corn Pudding. It wasn't quite the consistency I was hoping for. The corn casserole I usually make is more of a creamy corny corn bread type casserole. Justin, Jensen and I liked this version, but I think I'll keep looking for a corn casserole recipe that really wows us, but you may enjoy it.

Happy eating!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Yummy soup recipe! We had it last night. Thanks!